Spanish Courses Argentina     Calendar of Spanish Courses 2023 Learn Spanish Courses Spanish School in Buenos Aires
Take Spanish Courses in Argentina or Live Online: Spanish Crash Courses - Private Lessons and Group Classes - Buenos Aires Downtown - Argentina
Study Spanish Live Online Spanish Courses Study Spanish in Buenos Aires Argentina
  Mo Tues Wed Thu Fri
09:00 to 10:50 Spanish classes
10:50 to 10:10 break
10:10 to 13:00 Spanish classes

The price is:

USD50 (registration fee) +
USD220 a week
(intensive course)




We start courses every Monday
Each level is split into 2 weeks of 20 guided learning hours.

It takes 2 weeks of 20 guided hours to progress from one level to the next.

We present these programs' intensive courses:
20 hours a week = 4 hours a day.

Our Intensive group course has 20 hours a week and it runs from Monday to Friday 9.00-13.00 (there is a 20-minuute break) There is a maximum of 7 students in the course.

The course includes study materials and extracurricular activities: two weekly workshops on grammar, audio, conversation, and special topics.
The school also hosts a movie night (Argentine films with English subtitles: students pick one from three films, watch it, and discuss it).  A teacher leads a sightseeing tour. 

There are refreshments and free drinks all day long (water, coffee, tea), free internet access, a small library, etc. Your course also includes an optional exam and a digital final course certificate.

We also have private lessons if you prefer to take one-on-one classes.

Take Spanish Courses in Argentina or Live Online: Spanish Crash Courses - Private Lessons and Group Classes - Buenos Aires Downtown - Argentina -
Spanish Courses Argentina   Spanish School Buenos Aires